Workflow continued

Its been months since my last update and there have been many obstacles in my path. Covid, my husband’s motorcycle accident (he’s fine after 6 weeks of cast) and busy school/activity schedule for my daughter.

In spite of all of these distractions, I have been able to go through my film and digital workflow with greater ease. I thought I’d take a moment to give an overview of what it looks like to shoot film in a digital world.

As I reflect upon myself as person who prides themselves on creating the simplest route, it dawned on my that it takes a few iterations to discover the simplest route. I tend to over-complicate before I settle on the path of least resistance. Here is my film/digital workflow in the simplest form:

  1. Shoot film.

  2. Bring film for processing to Paris.

  3. Order medium resolution scans for 120mm film and low resolution for 35mm film.

  4. Digital files arrive via transfer link.

  5. Download each roll to Mac photos.

  6. Mark my favorites.

  7. Order small inexpensive reprints from online digital lab for album.

  8. If there is an image I particularly love, I will have lab in Paris print by hand.

That’s it! My next challenge is to fine-tune my negative storage to match my digital file storage since I don’t have contact sheets printed anymore. More to come on that workflow….



Analog and Digital Workflow